• computerscienceolympicsThe ASFA Math and Science department is announcing the first ever ASFA Computer Science Olympics on Saturday, February 3, 2024!

    Where: Alabama School of Fine Arts

    Who can attend: Students in grades 6th-9th.

    Fee: The entry fee is $10 and food and drinks will be provided throughout the competition!

    The Test: The test will consist of two sections, online and written, with questions of various topics, to quiz your computer science problem-solving skills. Bring a laptop/chromebook if possible, but no computer is required to compete.

    Registration: Here is a link to the Registration Form. You can bring a check or cash on February 3rd to ASFA. Walk-ins welcome, parents can register students!

    Computer Science Olympics Schedule
    • 8:00 - 8:30: Registration and check-in
    • 8:30-8:40: Report to your testing room
    • 8:40-9:40: Written Test 
    • 9:40-9:55: Student Refreshment  (Cafeteria)
    • 9:55-10:55: Computer Test
    • 10:55-11:30: Lunch (Cafeteria)
    • 11:30-12:15: Awards (Cafeteria)
    Note: The schedule is subject to change depending on the number of students registered for each class level.
    If you have any questions about registration, or about the tournament in general, please contact Richa Templin @ rtemplin@asfa.k12.al.us We hope to see many of you in February!