- Alabama School of Fine Arts
- Supply List
Below is a supply list and recommended resources for the following classes:
1. AP Physics C (Calculus-Based College Physics: - Mechanics)
2. AP Physics C (Calculus-Based College Physics: - Electricity and Magnetism)
3. Core Physics (Algebra-Based College Level Physic)
4. Honors (Pre-AP) Physics covering Mechanics, Current Electricity and Magnetism, Waves and Sound, Light and Optics, Fluid Dynamics, Thermal Physics, Introduction to Modern Physics and Microelectronics.
5. Space Science and Astronomy
6. Honors Physical Sciences: Chemistry and Physics
7. Electricity and Circuits, and Research 1
Required for All Students
I. USB Flash Drive (Does not have to be designated for this class only)
II. 2” 3 Ring Binder with college ruled loose leaf paper and dividers for the binder
III. 1 Lab Notebook: Should be grid or grid + lines, bound composition notebook (NOT spiral) for labs and projects.
IV. Pens: 1-black, 1-blue, and 1-green color pens. Black color for LAB notes and student’s work; green color for self –corrections; blue for peer grading/corrections)
V. 1-Calculator, 1-Protractor, 1 Metric Ruler, Index cards, and Graph papers.
XI. At least one AP Physics C Review Book (required for AP-Physic C students only). I recommend
Latest editions of Cracking the AP Physics C Exam by Princeton review or Barron’s AP Physics C.
The cost of the books ranges from & 7.00 to &13.00 from Amazon.com)
Shared Classroom Supplies:
1. If your name begins with M-Z, bring Clorox/Lysol Wipes
2. If your name begins with A-L, bring a box of tissues
3. If your name begins with X-Z, bring hand sanitizer
Recommended Software and Smartphone/Tablet Applications
1. Word processor (Microsoft Office Docs, Google docs, Apple pages)
2. Cloud storage (Dropbox, google drive, onrdrive, icloud, etc.)
3. Google Classroom (required for all students; recommended for guardians)
4. Lab4Physics for Android (required for Honors Physics)
5. PhET (PheT Simulation app for smartphones).