- Alabama School of Fine Arts
- World History 9
Reinhart, Rachel
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Ms. Reinhart, Room 242
Introduction, Requirements and Expectations
Ninth grade World History is an exploration of the Modern World, from about 1500 to the present. It is an exciting time in which vastly different societies throughout the world encounter one another for the first time, and change each other irrevocably. We’ll explore amazing discoveries and devastating conflicts and learn about cultural, social, economic and political systems that have united and divided us and brought us to the global society of the 21st century. Course content comes from a variety of sources, including the Open Educational Resources (OER) Project website, and will cover History around the world, contextualizing changes through themes and movements. Students will read primary and secondary documents, test claims throughout History, and develop and apply critical thinking skills to the events and consequences of History. Through classroom, homework, project activities and assessments, students will develop habits of Historical analysis and understanding.
Classwork assignments are due at the end of the class period of the day assigned, in the format described by the teacher (handwritten, digital, scanned, etc.).
Homework and project assignments are due at the beginning of the class period of the due date posted on Google Classroom.
Late work without an excused absence will not be accepted for full credit. Late work is accepted at 10% off the total points possible per day for five days. After the fifth day the grade will be a zero. As technology allows students to submit assignments electronically, weekends count as two days. Obviously there are special circumstances, but you must talk privately with your instructor about those.
Google Classroom will serve as the interface for accessing and submitting out-of-class assignments. Students will keep up with assignments through daily visits to Google Classroom, and parents will sign up to receive regular updates.
Class Codes for Google Classroom, 2023-2024:
1st Period: cbwj3cz
2nd Period: bawaifx
3rd Period: cleqm64
4th Period: iqinuj4
7th Period: 4xgvyyl
Each day during class, every student must be prepared with:
A fully-charged ASFA-approved BYOD computer. Phones are not acceptable classroom devices.
A one-inch 3-ring binder with lined loose-leaf paper and two pockets
Dark blue or black ink pens, one highlighter and a pencil
Any assigned reading materials, and any assignments due
A receptive and participatory attitude towards learning
At home, students will need:
Regular access to a computer for completing homework
A reliable internet connection
An appropriate work space for learning (an environment that allows for safety and focus)
Family support for their studies
ASFA will provide physical copies and/or digital access to class texts and materials. Our primary text will be the OER Project World History Website.
Students are expected to be present, prepared and participating every day during class.
All students are expected to behave with respect and consideration towards their classmates and their instructors. Rudeness, harassment, and lack of engagement will not be tolerated.
Teachers are here to engage students in learning both course content and historical thinking skills. Students will be challenged to think across scale, integrate multiple perspectives and disciplines, and make and test claims about history. To succeed in this class, students will need to keep up with class instruction notes, assignments, discussion, projects, and assessment (testing).
Communication between students and teachers is critical to academic success. Any time you do not understand a reading, a concept, an expectation, or an instruction, contact the teacher, who will work with you to clarify any confusion. If you are having trouble communicating with the teacher, you may ask your parent or guardian to do so on your behalf. Don’t give up on an assignment or put off asking for help – that’s the only way your teacher knows you need help!
Remember that attending ASFA is a privilege, not a right. Plagiarism and cheating are not permitted.
Plagiarism is taking the works or ideas of others and using them as your own. This covers many things from copying something you found on the Internet to copying another's homework, as well as the unauthorized use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to produce work. Any instance of cheating will result in a zero on the assignment and a report to the Attendance and Conduct Manager. Multiple incidents may result in dismissal from ASFA.
Get to class on time, be prepared, and open your materials by the class’s posted start time. If you need to be excused during class, check in with your teacher before leaving. Tardiness to class is disrespectful and disruptive. Consistent tardiness, absence, or lack of participation interferes with your instruction and may endanger your class credit.
The use of any electronic device (besides your BYOD computer) without specific teacher permission is strictly prohibited in my classroom. And, as stated in the Student Handbook, if a device goes off during a test, the student will receive an automatic zero on the test that cannot be made up.